How to build older adults’ confidence in technology use - Presenting our work at OzCHI 2022

The OzCHI 2022 conference has been great, and I had the opportunity to present a paper led by Mia Lan An and also co-authored with Sonja Pedell and Leon Sterling. Our work explores the factors that influence how to build older adults' confidence in the use of technologies.

An, L., Muñoz, D., Pedell, S., & Sterling, L. (2022). Understanding Confidence of Older Adults for Embracing Mobile Technologies. Proceedings of the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (OzCHI ’22), 13.

Our paper will soon be published in the ACM Digital Library. I would be happy to send the accepted version on request. If you are interested, just Contact Me.


Presenting our poster @ ACSW 2023


Swinburne Living Lab team @ the AAG 2022 Conference