Journal Articles

[J.07] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Pedell, S., & Sterling, L. (2022). Evaluating Engagement in Technology-Supported Social Interaction by People Living with Dementia in Residential Care. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 29(5).

[J.06] [DOI] Tariq, A., Muñoz Sáez, D., & Khan, S. R. (2022). Social media use and family connectedness: A systematic review of quantitative literature. New Media & Society, 24(3), 815–832.

[J.05] [DOI] Lovell, D., Vella, K., Muñoz, D., McKague, M., Brereton, M., & Ellis, P. (2022). Exploring technologies to better link physical evidence and digital information for disaster victim identification. Forensic Sciences Research, 1–17.

[J.04] [PDF, DOI] Brereton, M., Soro, A., Sitbon, L., Roe, P., Wyeth, P., Ploderer, B., Vyas, D., Zhang, J., Ambe, A., Wilson, C., Dema, T., Taylor, J., Oliver, J., Munoz, D., Bayor, A., Bircanin, F., Anggarendra, R., Capel, T., Kapuire, G., & Wheeler, H., Design participation lab. Interactions, 25(2), 14-17, Mar. 2018.

[J.03] [DOI] Gutiérrez, F.J., Muñoz, D., Ochoa, S.F., Tapia, J.M., Assembling mass-market technology for the sake of wellbeing: a case study on the adoption of ambient intelligent systems by older adults living at home, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-21, Oct. 2017.

[J.02] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Cornejo, R., Gutierrez, F., Favela, J., Ochoa, S.F., Tentori, M., A Social Cloud-based Tool to Deal with Time and Media Mismatch of Intergenerational Family Communication, Future Generation Computer Systems 53, 140-151, Dec. 2015.

[J.01] [PDF] Muñoz, D., Gutierrez, F.J., Ochoa, S.F., Baloian, N., SocialConnector: A Ubiquitous System to Ease the Social Interaction Among Family Community Members, Computer Systems Science & Engineering 30 (1), 57-68, Jan. 2015.

Conference Publications

[C.11] [PDF, DOI] An, L., Huwald, C., Muñoz, D., Pedell, S., & Sterling, L. (2023). Weisst Du wieviel Sternlein stehen? – Building older adults’ confidence in technology use through co-designing digital storytelling. Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 7.

[C.10] [PDF, DOI] An, L., Muñoz, D., Pedell, S., & Sterling, L. (2022). Understanding Confidence of Older Adults for Embracing Mobile Technologies. Proceedings of the 34th Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 38–50.

[C.09] [PDF, DOI] Wilson, C., Muñoz, D., Ambe, A., Vines, J., Pedell, S., Brereton, M., & Pschetz, L. (2022). Co-Creating Futures of Care with Older Adults. Proceedings of the Participatory Design Conference 2022 - Volume 2, 242–246.

[C.08] [PDF, DOI] De Costa, M., Anam, N., Shi, J., Muñoz, D., & Pedell, S. (2022). Walking in my shoes: Creating a toolkit for codesigning a shared vision for city development. In D. Lockton, S. Lenzi, P. Hekkert, A. Oak, J. Sádaba, & P. Lloyd (Eds.), DRS2022: Bilbao (p. 20). Design Research Society.

[C.07] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Favilla, S., Pedell, S., Murphy, A., Beh, J., Petrovich, T. Evaluating an App to Promote a Better Visit Through Shared Activities for People Living with Dementia and their Families. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 485, 1–13. Watch our presentation on YouTube.

[C.06] [PDF, DOI] Ploderer, B., Taylor, J.L., Muñoz, D., Bircanin, F., Brereton, M. Diagramming Working Field Theories for Design in the HCI Classroom. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 57, 1–14. Watch our presentation on YouTube.

[C.05] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Ploderer, B., Brereton, M., Position Exchange Workshops: A Method to Design for Each Other in Families. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ‘19), New York: ACM, Paper 109. Presentation of slides on YouTube: In English, and In Spanish

[C.04] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Ploderer, B., Brereton, M., Towards Design for Renegotiating the Parent-Adult Child Relationship after Children Leave Home. In Proceedings of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI 2018), New York: ACM, pp. 303-313.

[C.03] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Gutierrez, F.J., Ochoa, S.F., Introducing Ambient Assisted Living Technology at the Home of the Elderly: Challenges and Lessons Learned, Ambient Assisted Living. ICT-based Solutions in Real Life Situations, 125-136, Springer International Publishing, 2015.

[C.02] [PDF, DOI] Muñoz, D., Cornejo, R., Ochoa, S.F., Favela, J., Gutierrez, F.J., Tentori, M., Aligning intergenerational communication patterns and rhythms in the age of social media, Proceedings of ChileCHI’13, ACM Press. Temuco, Chile. November 11–15, 2013.

[C.01] [DOC, DOI] Muñoz, D., Gutierrez, F.J., Ochoa, S.F. and Baloian, N., Enhancing Social Interaction Between Older Adults and Their Families, Proc. of the 5th International Work-conference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL’13), LNCS 8277, 47-54. Guanacaste, Costa Rica. December 2013.

Book Chapters

[B.02] [DOI] Pedell, S., Sterling, L., Aimers, N., & Muñoz, D. (2023). A Co-design Approach for Developing and Implementing Smart Health Technologies and Services. In H. Kwaśnicka, N. Jain, U. Markowska-Kaczmar, C. P. Lim, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Advances in Smart Healthcare Paradigms and Applications: Outstanding Women in Healthcare—Volume 1 (pp. 153–171). Springer Nature Switzerland.

[B.01] [DOI] Pedell, S., Constantin, K., Muñoz, D., & Sterling, L. (2022). Designing Meaningful, Beneficial and Positive Human Robot Interactions with Older Adults for Increased Wellbeing During Care Activities. In C.-P. Lim, Y.-W. Chen, A. Vaidya, C. Mahorkar, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Vol 2: Practicalities and Prospects (pp. 85–108). Springer International Publishing.

Edited Volumes

[E.01] [DOI] Ahmadpour, N., Leong, T., Ploderer, B., Parker, C., Webber, S., Munoz, D., & Loke, L., Tomitsch, M. (Eds.) (2020) OzCHI ’20: Proceedings of the 32nd Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference. New York: ACM.

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