Our OzCHI paper is online!

I’m happy to share that our OzCHI paper titled Understanding Confidence of Older Adults for Embracing Mobile Technologies is now available online.

Confidence helps sustain people to use their mobile technology devices in daily life. However, there is little research that discusses how to build confidence among older adult users either when starting to use technology or broadening their existing technology use. To understand older adults’ confidence in technology use, we conducted an exploratory study over six months with ten participants in a residential care setting. We investigated the relationship between confidence, experience, and personal interests to use technology in their embracing of technology. Our findings show that confidence can be gained from positive experiences of use and that confidence helps with subsequent technology engagement. Positive experiences encourage further and broader experimentation with their own devices. Activities using technology to support personal interests provide great motivation for participants to expand the use of their mobile technology devices. We provide insights on a facilitation process that is based on open exploration and mutual learning to build confidence of users in residential care settings.

This work aligns with our Swinburne Living Lab mission of enriching the everyday living of older adults through codesign leading to the development of new products, services and experiences. This is the first of hopefully many other outcomes of our collaboration with Martin Luther Homes.

You can download the PDF from here:

Accepted Version of the OzCHI 2022 paper


MLH Short Film Festival 2023


Presenting our poster @ ACSW 2023